Cheat sheet of implicitly-declared constructor/ assignment operator in c++

class Class {
    // deleted if function can't be auto generated
    // otherwise, function is auto generated
    Class() = default;                                     // defaulted default constructor
    // or
    <No constructor declaration of any kind>               // implicitly-declared default constructor
    /* marked as deleted, if Class has
         user-declared move destructor
         user-declared move assignment operator
       as-if deprecated defaulted copy constructor, if Class has
         //user-declared copy constructor
         user-declared copy assignment operator
         user-declared user-defined destructor
       otherwise, as-if defaulted copy constructor
    <No copy constructor declaration>                      // implicitly-declared copy constructor
    // deleted if function can't be auto generated
    // otherwise, function is auto generated
    Class(const Class &) = default;     // defaulted copy constructor

    /* marked as deleted, if Class has
         user-declared move destructor
         user-declared move assignment operator
       as-if deprecated defaulted copy constructor, if Class has
         user-declared copy constructor
         //user-declared copy assignment operator
         user-declared user-defined destructor
       otherwise, as-if defaulted copy assignment operator
    <No copy assignment operator declaration>              // implicitly-declared copy assignment operator
    // deleted if function can't be auto generated
    // otherwise, function is auto generated
    Class& operator=(const Class &) = default;             // defaulted copy assignment operator

    /* marked as deleted, if Class has
         user-declared copy constructor
         user-declared copy assignment operator
         // user-declared move destructor
         user-declared move assignment operator
         user-declared user-defined destructor
       otherwise, as-if defaulted move constructor
    <No move constructor declaration>                      // implicitly-declared move constructor
    // deleted if function can't be auto generated
    // otherwise, function is auto generated
    Class(Class &&) = default;                             // defaulted move constructor
    /* marked as deleted, if Class has
         user-declared copy constructor
         user-declared copy assignment operator
         user-declared move destructor
         //user-declared move assignment operator
         user-declared user-defined destructor
       otherwise, as-if defaulted move assignment operator
    <No move assignment operator declaration>              // implicitly-declared move constructor
    // deleted if function can't be auto generated
    // otherwise, function is auto generated
    Class& operator=(Class &&) = default;                  // defaulted copy assignment operator
    // deleted if function can't be auto generated
    // otherwise, function is auto generated
    ~Class() = default;                                    // defaulted default constructor
    // or
    <No destructor declaration>                            // implicitly-declared default constructor

Rules of thumb

Rule of three

If a class defines any of the following then it should probably explicitly define all three:

  • destructor
  • copy constructor
  • copy assignment operator

Rule of five

If a class defines any of the following then it should probably explicitly define all five:

  • destructor
  • copy constructor
  • copy assignment operator
  • move constructor
  • move assignment operator

Extreme case: if you can’t afford the cost of copy constructor/copy assignment operator, just delete them.

